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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

did you know -coin price ?

did you know ?????????/
 Today coin-27 /09/2012
1)  did you know a 1 rupee coin of 2004 (cross symbol ) is very rare coin because  only 1 packet is known to have been opened .it means only 100 coin are in market . Many people have bought this coin for 6-8 thousand rupees, or about 8,000 times its face value.
we are trying to tell all the person that in daily life we passed out all that type of coin by our hand .if you are interested and keep your eyes open to collect coin and rupee it can give you a good return .

see our daily update for new coins and bank note
send your comment & if you have any type of coin we can suggest you about price or where you can sell


  1. Hi I have this coin,,,could you please help me out with the buyer details,,,,

  2. Hi I have this coin,,,could you please help me out with the buyer details ?

  3. Hi I have this coin,,,could you please help me out with the buyer details ?

  4. I have this one..if anyone wants to buy it, can mail me at ""

  5. Please suggest where and how to sell..



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