One rupee coins: Republic India - X
1 Rupee: JP Narayan

Jay Prakash Narayan was also popularly known as JP, and is well known for leading the opposition against Indira Gandhi.
had called for a total revolution in Bihar but Indira Gandhi
implemented the emergency rule bypassing all laws, even as JP Narayan
had called for resignation from the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. He
gathered a large crowd of about 100,000 at Ramlila grounds and recited
poetry by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar:"
singhasan khali karo ke janata ati hai".
was under his guidance that the Janata party came into power for the
first time after the emergency had been revoked. In 1977 he had a kidney
failure and had to be on dialysis for the rest of his life. In March
1979, he had a very deteriorating health and was erroneously declared
dead and there was widespread mourning in the country: closure of
parliament and government bodies, schools , shops and all. When he got
to know of this mistake a few weeks later, he smiled.
He passed away in October 1979.
1 Rupee: Quit India Movement

was under British rule for about 200 years and in the first half of the
20th century, the freedom struggle was greatly influenced by people
like Mahatma Gandhi and their ideas and principles of non-violence which
struck a chord with the masses as the majority of the population of
India is peace loving. On the verge of the second world war, the quit
India movement was started in India in 1942; and this coin was released
on the occasion of 50 years or golden jubilee of the quit India
With the outbreak of the war in 1939, Britain had
declared war on Germany. Churchill had become Prime Minister and India's
support was required as India was a colony of Britain only. Gandhi
declined support as India was against Fascism and they saw British
colonialism to be no different than German totalitarianism. The viceroy
said that after the war was waged for peace and after it finishes,
changes would be made in the Act of 1935. And Gandhi said " We have
asked for bread and got a stone in return." This was the primary cause
for the quit India movement of 1942. Another important reason was the
failure of the Cripps commission. sir Stafford Cripps was sent to India
to talk terms and lots was offered ; but after the war ceased. This was
perceived to be a "post dated cheque on a crashing bank. Other factors
were the Japanese invasion of India, unrest in East Bengal and and
growing feeling that British were unable to protect India and its
The Mahatma had said that the presence of the British
was an open invitation to the Japanese, and their removal from the scene
would remove the bait... Following this statement , he was arrested
shortly afterward; along with other leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Gandhi's cry of do or die reached the masses
and the country erupted in the quit India movement. This movement was
marked by four phases:
1)There were mass strikes, demonstrations, protests and rallies
in the second stage there were some violent incidents.Mobs targeted
government and municipal buildings like post office and railway
stations. Some were set on fire , and in some firings a number of women
and children died
3)It is said that in the third stage there were incidents of the mob throwing bombs at the police.
4)The last stage went peaceful until the release of Gandhi in 1944 when the movement was called off.
1 Rupee: Food and environment
One rupee coins: Republic India-IX
One rupee: Maharana Pratap
Pratap Singh was a ruler of Mewar and belonged to the Sisodiya clan of
Suryavanshi Rajputs. Maharana Pratap Singh is believed to be the epitome
of fiery Rajput pride and self-respect; he has exemplified the
qualities to which Rajputs aspire for centuries. Maharana Pratap Singh
was born as the eldest child among 25 brothers and 20 sisters at
Kumbhalgarh on May 9, 1540 to Maharana Udai Singh II and Maharani
Javanta Bai Songara (Chauhan). The birthplace of Maharana Pratap Singh
is known as Juni Kacheri.
Maharana Pratap Singh, Ruler of MewarIn
1568, during the reign of Udai Singh II, the Mughal emperor Akbar
conquered Chittor. The third Jauhar of Chittor became apparent, with the
ladies of the fort finding safety from personal dishonour and plunged
themselves into fire, while rest of the men folk sallied forth to
certain death in the battlefield. Before this condition, Udai Singh and
his family had moved to the safety of the nearby hills. He later moved
base to another location in the foothills of the Aravalli Range. This
new foundation gradually became the city of Udaipur and was accordingly
named after him. Udai Singh wished Jagmal, his favorite son could
succeed him but his senior nobles wanted Pratap, the eldest son, to be
their king. During the coronation ceremony Jagmal was actually moved out
of the palace and Pratap was deliberately made the king. Pratap did not
want to go against the desire of his father but Rajput nobles convinced
him strongly that Jagmal was not capable to rule in the crucial times
of the day. It was the beginning of a career of struggle and hardship
for Maharana Pratap Singh.
Maharana Pratap Singh never believed
Akbar as the ruler of India, and kept on fighting with Akbar all his
life. Akbar first tried several diplomatic ways to win over Maharana
Pratap but nothing really worked. Maharana Pratap Singh maintained that
he had no intention to fight with Akbar, however he could not bow down
to Akbar and accept him as the ruler. There was some possibility that
Maharana Pratap Singh could have become friends with Akbar, but in the
invasion for Chittor Akbar had killed around 30,000 civilians, unarmed
residents of Chittor only because they refused to convert to Islam. This
left an ever-lasting impression on Maharana Pratap Singh`s mind and he
adamant not to bow to such an injustice and cruelty.
One rupee : 150 years of Indian post
Indian Postal Service, with 155,333 post offices, is the most widely
distributed post office system in the world (China is next, with
57,000). The large numbers are a result of a long tradition of many
disparate postal systems which were unified in the Indian Union
post-Independence. Owing to this far-flung reach and its presence in
remote areas, the Indian postal service is also involved in other
services such as small savings banking and financial services.
Battuta describes the Indian postal system in the 14th century as
follows: In India the postal system is of two kinds. The horsepost,
called uluq, is run by royal horses stationed at a distance of every
four miles. The foot-post has three stations per mile; it is called
dawa, that is one-third of a mile ... Now, at every third of a mile
there is a wellpopulated village, outside which are three pavilions in
which sit men with girded loins ready to start. Each of them carries a
rod, two cubits in length, with copper bells at the top. When the
courier starts from the city he holds the letter in one hand and the rod
with its bells on the other; and he runs as fast as he can. When the
men in the pavilion hear the ringing of the bell they get ready. As soon
as the courier reaches them, one of them takes the letter from his hand
and runs at top speed shaking the rod all the while until he reaches
the next dawa. And the same process continues till the letter reaches
its destination. This foot-post is quicker than the horse-post; and
often it is used to transport the fruits of Khurasan which are much
desired in India."
British East India Company established post offices in Mumbai, Chennai
and Kolkata from 1764-1766, each serving the Bombay, Madras and Calcutta
presidencies. During Warren Hastings' governorship, postal service was
made available to the general public. A letter would cost 2 annas
(one-eighth of a Rupee) for distances up to 100 miles (160 km). Payments
would be done through copper tokens; a letter was hand stamped "post
paid" if paid for, otherwise it was stamped "post unpaid" or "bearing".
1839, North West Province Circle was formed and since then, new Postal
Circles were formed as needed. In December 1860 Punjab Circle, in 1861
Burma Circle, in 1866 Central Province Circle and in 1869 Sind Circle
were formed. By 1880 circles had been formed in Oudh (1870), Rajputana
(1871), Assam (1873), Bihar (1877), Eastern Bengal (1878) and Central
India (1879).
the creation of new circles was accompanied by the merging of some
circles. By 1914, there were only 7 Postal Circles — Bengal & Assam,
Bihar & Orissa, Bombay (including Sind), Burma, Central, Madras,
Punjab & NWF and U.P.
The different postal services
include speed post, ePayment, logistics payment, e-Post, business post,
media post, direct post, postal life insurance, instant money order,
instant money transfer, non-postal services and adress proof cards
One rupee coins: Republic India-VIII
1 rupee, care for the girl child

was designated as the SAARC(South Asian Association for regional
cooperation) year of the girl child. SAARC comprises of Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The
primary aim of SAARC is to promote peace, stability, amity and progress
in the given countries.
I got the shown one rupee as change from the post office.
1 rupee, food and nutrition

Weight: 6gm
Metal: Copper-nickel
Subject: food and nutrition
government of India adopted the National Nutrition policy under the
aegis of department of women's and child development in 1993.
and nutrition board is primarily engaged in Nutrition Education and
Training Activities, Mass Awareness Campaigns, Promotion of Infant and
Young Child Nutrition and Follow Up Action on instruments of National
Nutrition Policy.
Training of Trainers (TOT) courses for orienting medical officers,
senior supervisors, LHVs etc on various aspects of nutrition are
organized. These master trainers in turn organise two-day Orientation
Training Courses for the grassroot level functionaries particularly of
ICDS and health besides volunteers from the community.
Advertisement campaign for the purpose of mass awareness was generated during 2006 –
2 half page (1 colored ad on 1.8.2006 and 1 Black & white on
7.8.2006) advertisements during the World Breastfeeding Week.
2) 2 half page (1 colored ad on 1.9.2006 and 1 black & white on 7.9.2006) advertisements during National Nutrition Week.
3) One half page color advertisement on 2nd October on the eve of Integrated Child Development Nutrition (ICDS).
One half page colored advertisement on World Food Day on the theme
‘Invest in Agriculture for Food Security’ highlighting the importance of
diversified diet for better nutrition, health and development.
Half page black and white advertisement on Global Iodine Deficiency
Disorders Prevention Day highlighting the importance of consumption of
iodised salt in our daily diet.
awareness generation programmes like Orientation Training Course,
community meetings, camps, essay competitions, healthy baby shows etc,
were also held during these events.
One rupee: Veer Duragdass
Early life
was a suryavanshi Rathore Rajput, belonging to the Karnot branch of the
Rathore clan. He was the son of Askaran Rathore, a Rajput general in
the army of Maharaja Jaswant Singh. As his mother did not get along with
her husband and co-wives, she lived away from Jodhpur, and Durgadas
grew up in a small village.
Durgadas was young, a camelherd, rearing the herds of the Maharaja,
ventured into Durgadas's fields. Durgadas asked the camel herd to take
his herd away and not destroy the field. The camelherd paid no heed.
Durgadas unsheathed his sword and killed him. Word of this reached
Maharaja Jaswant Singh. He summoned Durgadas and asked him why he killed
the camelherd. Durgadas told him that the royal herd of camels was
giving Jaswant Singh a bad name by destroying the crops of ordinary
people. The Maharaja was very impressed with Durgadas's uprightness and
gave him an appointment in the army.
Saving Ajit Singh
Jaswant Singh, ruler of Marwar, died in 1679 without immediate male
heirs. However, two of his wives were pregnant at the time of his death.
These circumstances allowed the mughal emperor Aurangzeb to intervene;
he appointed a Muslim to rule over Marwar, which upset the Rathod clan a
great deal. One of Jaswant Singh's pregnant widows gave birth, in due
course, to a male child, who was named Ajit Singh. After the birth of
this rightful heir, prominent grandees of Marwar, including Durgadas,
went to Delhi along with the infant Ajit Singh and asked Aurangzeb that
the infant be confirmed in his late father's estates and titles.
Aurangzeb did not absolutely refuse, but suggested, supposedly for the
infant's own safety, that Ajit grow up in Delhi in front of him.
nurturing of the head of the Rathod clan in Aurangzeb's staunchly
muslim household was not acceptable to the clan. It is said that crown
prince Ajit Singh along with his mother was staying at a place called "Bhuli Bhatiyari"
near Jhandewalan of modern Delhi. Durgadas and others of the delegation
resolved upon smuggling Ajit Singh out of Delhi. Durgadas and his 300
men, notable among them Thakur Mokam singh Balunda and Mukand Das Khichi
made a plan. According to the plan Mokam Singh Balunda's wife Bagheliji
put her infant girl, in place of Ajit Singh. As they approached the
outskirts of the city, the mughal guards fell in hot pursuit and
Durgadas and his companions had to make their escape while fighting
hand-to-hand battle with the much larger mughal army. Every so often,
some 15-20 Rajputs would fall behind to check the mughal pursuers, in
the process getting themselves killed. In this battle Mokam singh
Balunda, his son Hari singh Balunda got injured, but they managed to
keep distance between the forward party and the Mughals.Among them Mokam
singh Balunda's wife Bagheli Rani This continued till the evening;
Durgadas was left with just seven men out of the 300 he started with,
but he managed to escape with the infant Ajit Singh to safety to
Balunda. Mokam Singh's wife Bagheliji kept Maharaja Ajit singh at
Balunda for almost one year, Later, he was moved to the safety of
Aravali hills near Abu Sirohi, a remote town on the southern fringes of
Marwar, and grew up in anonymity.
20 years after this event, Marwar remained under the direct rule of a
Mughal governor. During this period, Durgadas carried out a relentless
struggle against the occupying forces. Trade routes that passed through
the region were plundered by the guerillas, who also looted various
treasuries in present-day Rajasthan and Gujarat. These disorders
adversely impacted the finances of the empire.
took advantage of the disturbances following the death of Aurangzeb in
1707, to seize Jodhpur and eventually evict the occupying Mughal force.
Ajit Singh was proclaimed Maharaja of Jodhpur. He rebuilt all the
temples that had been descecrated by the occupying muslims.
son Sultan Muhammad Akbar rebelled against his father. Naturally,
Durgadas extended aid to him in the rebellion. This venture came to
naught, as Akbar died in exile; he left his children in the custody of
Durgadas. Aurangzeb became extremely anxious to get his grandchildren
back. He requested Durgadas, who agreed to send them to Aurangzeb. When
the children arrived, Aurangzeb asked a Qazi to start teaching them the
Quran. On hearing this, his little granddaughter began reciting ayats
from the holy book. Aurangzeb was left dumbfounded. On being asked, his
granddaughter told him that while she was in Durgadas's custody, a Qazi
had been engaged to take care of their religious training.
Such was Durgadas. Till today, people in Rajasthan pray: Mayee ehra poot jan jehara DURGADAS, baandh mundaso rakhiyo bin thambe aakash.
(Mother, give birth to a son just like Durgadas,who stopped the
flooding dam of Moghuls (the Moghul Army) without any support (i.e.
single handedly)).
Last breath
Durgadas after completing his duties successfully and fulfilled the
promise which he given to Jaswant Singh Ji, left Jodhpur and live in
Sadri, Udaipur, Rampura, Bhanpura for some time and then left to worship
Mahakaal at Ujjain. On 22nd November 1718, on the banks of the Sipra at
Ujjain, Durgadas passed away at the age of 81 years, his beautiful
canopy in red stone is still at the Chakrathirth, Ujjain, which is
pilgrimage for all freedom fighters and rajputs. Veer Durgadas left
behind a shining example of loyalty, chivalry and courage.
One rupee coins: Republic India-VII
One rupee: international youth year

on the obverse : three lines between a dove and an olive branch. Both
are signs of peace.So in 1985, the youth were urged to bring peace.
Youth Year, or IYY, was held in 1985, to focus attention on issues of
concern to and relating to youth. The proclamation was signed on January
1, 1985 by United Nations Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.
the year, activities took place all over the world. These activities
were coordinated by the Youth Secretariat within the Centre for Social
Development and Humanitarian Affairs, at the time based at the UN
offices in Vienna, Austria. The Secretariat's director, Mohammad Sharif,
was also the Executive Secretary for IYY. The President of IYY was Nicu
Ceauşescu , son of the former dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceauşescu.
not organising any specific events itself, under the year's slogan of
"Participation, Development, Peace", the IYY Secretariat helped
facilitate numerous events helping to make IYY a success.
main UN event for IYY was the World Congress on Youth (in Spanish:
Congreso Mundial Sobre La Juventud) organised by UNESCO and held in
Barcelona, Spain July 8-15, 1985. It issued the "Barcelona Declaration"
on youth.
One rupee: rainfed farming

all know that the water table is continuously going down due to
excessive and unmindful usage. Harvesting rainwater for domestic and
farming purposes is a solution to replenishing the depleted water table,
and this is the reason the government started advocating rainfed
farming in 1988.
One rupee: tourism year
The figure shown on the obverse is a stylized peacock.
The peacock is the national bird of India.This coin was minted in 1991
when India was trying to promote itself as a tourist destination.
One rupee coins: Republic India-VI
1 rupee, 1954
Rev: Ashoka lion pedestal
Obv: grain ears flank thick numeral
Weight: 11.66gm
Diameter: 24mm
Metal: nickel
1 rupee, 1962
Weight: 10gm
Diameter: 28mm
Metal: nickel
Mint: Calcutta(no mint mark)
Remark: larger lion symbol, smaller numeral.
Large 96 in between small 1 and 2 in the date.
One rupee: 1950
first one rupee coin of republic India was released in 1950. After that
the one rupee coin came out in 1954; whererafter the design was changed
in 1962, with no mintage in the in between years. Since the one rupee
coins of 1950 and 1954 were minted only in the Bombay mint, my
collection of this coin type is complete.
One rupee coins: Republic India-V
1 rupee saint Thiruvalluvar World Tamil conference
St. Thiruvalluvar, the author of THIRUKKURAL was born about 30 years before Jesus Christ in Mylapore,
the village of peacocks (Myl in Tamil means peacock), the present day
Chennai, at a time when the Tamil Land was rich in culture, vivid in
its life and adventurous in its commerce. Valluvars were the priests of
outcaste people at that time. Tamilians take cognizance of the birth
of Thiruvalluvar as a basis of Tamil calendar according to which we are
now in the year 2032 of Thiruvalluvar Aandu (Year). Thirukkural is
regarded as a renowned work, eulogized as a directory of code of
conduct and ethics to humanity. The revered poet not only deals with
the general administration, but also codified clear-cut directions to
the mankind on how they should behave and act in a social, political,
religious and family circles.
used to keep by his side, when he sat for meals, a needle and a small
cup filled with water. Once, his host asked him as to why he insisted
on having these two placed by the side of the plate. He said, "Food
should not be wasted, even a grain is precious. Sometimes, stray grains
of cooked rice or stray pieces of cooked vegetables fall off the plate
or away from it. While I eat, I lift them off the floor, with the help
of this needle and stir them in the water to clean them and eat them."
What a great lesson this is for those who waste more, than they
consume in today’s consumerist society!
As Emmons White
has said, Thiruvalluvar was a kindly, liberal-minded man and his
poetry is a kind of synthesis of the best moral teachings of his age.
In the words of Dr. John Lazarus
who has made an English translation of the Kural, “It is refreshing to
think of a nation which produced so great a man and so unique a work.
The morality he preached could not have grown except on an essentially
moral soil.” This classical work in Tamil has been widely translated in
over 60 languages of the world. Nearly 300 years ago, the Italian
Jesuit missionary, Constantius Beschi (known as Veeramamunnivar in Tamil) who came to Tamil Nadu in 1710, translated the Thirukkural into Latin. Rev. G U Pope
who hailed Thiruvalluvar as “the Bard of Universal Man” translated the
Kural and printed the it first in English. Many European missionaries
have made translations into English between 1820 and 1886. Freedom
fighters and statesmen, C Rajagopalachari and VVS Iyer have also translated the Kural into English. Barring perhaps the Bible and the Koran, the Kural is the most translated work.
Erudite Tamil Poets as well as the kings of the three Tamil Kingdoms – Chera, Chola and Pandya
– acknowledged the literary greatness of Thirukkural. It is said that
at the time of its first presentation to the king’s court, the Pandyan
king wanted its greatness to be known to his whole kingdom. He put it
to test by placing the manuscript along with those of other
contemporary works in a golden lotus plank and allowed it to float in
the tank at the Madurai Meenakshi temple. The sanctified plank that
would recognize only the masterpieces is said to have rejected all
other works and retained only the Thirukkural.
in Tamil Nadu worship Thiruvalluvar as a guru. They have erected a
beautiful shrine to him and to his wife in the midst of a garden in
Mylapore. It lies not far from the waves of the sea that are often
referred to in his verses. Every year in the month of April, people
celebrate a grand festival at the shrine. Another important memorial to
the immortal saint is Valluvar Kottam in Chennai, which is shaped like a
temple chariot. A life size statue
of Thiruvalluvar has been installed in the tall chariot. The 133
chapters of his work have been depicted in bas-relief in the front hall
corridors of the chariot. The auditorium at Valluvarkottam is said to
be the largest in Asia with accommodation capacity for 4000 people.
Recently, Tamil Nadu government has erected a magnificent 133-foot
height statue of the saint denoting the 133 chapters in Thirukkural for
tourists in the midst of sea in Kaniyakumari (Cape Comerin) at the confluence of the three seas.
While being sworn in as the president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam said
that a country needs to have the characteristics as enshrined in
Thirukkural and quoted from the Kural: “ Pini inmai Selvam Vilaivinbam
Emam, aniyenba Nattirku vainthu”. That is “The important elements that
constitute a nation are: being disease free; wealth; high productivity;
harmonious living and strong defence.” It makes deep sense in this
fast-moving world. If only there is more forbearance and patience,
mutual respect and understanding, the world would become a better place
for all of us to live.
One rupee, 2004
Weight: 4.85gm
Metal: stainless steel
Diameter: 25mm
Obverse: lion pedestal, "satyamev jayate"
Reverse: denomination, date and grain ears
Edge: plain
One rupee, 1988
Weight: 6gm
Metal: Copper-nickel
Diameter: 26mm
Obverse: lion pedestal, seven sided surrounding
Reverse: denomination,date and grain ears
One rupee, small farmers:1987
coin is also one of the number of commemorative coins that were minted
around or just succeeding the green revolution in India. Through this
coin, the government acknowledges the important contribution of the
small farmers to India's foodgrain produce. The green revolution was
what caused India to move from being a food deficit nation to a food
surplus. A large share of the country's farms are not large scale, but
small scale and manual labour done is more than the overall work done
through large machines. That is, the work done is mostly labour
intensive. Simply put, the contribution of the small farmers to the
produce cannot be overlooked.
One rupee coins: Republic India - IV
1 rupee, Rajiv Gandhi
Gandhi (20 August 1944 – 21 May 1991), the elder son of Indira and
Feroze Gandhi, was the 9th Prime Minister of India from his mother's
death on 31 October 1984 until his resignation on 2 December 1989
following a general election defeat. He became the youngest Prime
Minister of India when he took office (at the age of 40).
Gandhi was a professional pilot for Indian Airlines before entering
politics. While at Cambridge, he met Italian-born Sonia Maino whom he
later married, who is now supposedly the hand pulling the strings behind
the current prime minister Manmohan Singh. Rajiv Gandhi remained aloof
from politics despite his mother being the Indian Prime Minister , and
it was only following the death of his younger brother Sanjay Gandhi in
1980 that Rajiv entered politics. After the assassination of his mother
in 1984 after Operation Blue Star, Indian National Congress party
leaders nominated him to be Prime Minister.
Gandhi led the Congress to a major election victory in 1984 soon after
and lost soon after due to racism, amassing the largest majority ever in
Indian Parliament. The Congress party won 411 seats out of 542. He
began dismantling the License Raj - government quotas, tariffs and
permit regulations on economic activity - modernized the
telecommunications industry, the education system, expanded science and
technology initiatives and improved relations with the United States.
1988, Rajiv reversed the coup in Maldives antagonising the militant
Tamil outfits such as PLOTE. He also was responsible for sending Indian
troops (Indian Peace Keeping Force or IPKF) for peace efforts in Sri
Lanka, which soon ended in open conflict with the Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam (LTTE) group. In mid-1987, the Bofors scandal broke his
honest, corruption-free image and resulted in a major defeat for his
party in the 1989 elections.
from the bofors scandal, Rajiv's major failure was in checking
inflation as during the early 1980's, the rupee fell from 12 to 17 per
also efforts to enable significant developments in India. He introduced
measures significantly reducing the License Raj, allowing businesses
and individuals to purchase capital, consumer goods and import without
bureaucratic restrictions. In 1986, he announced a national education
policy to modernize and expand higher education programs across India.
He founded the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya System in 1986. His efforts
created MTNL in 1986, and his public call offices, better known as PCOs,
helped spread telephones in rural areas.
Gandhi remained Congress President until the elections in 1991. While
campaigning, he was assassinated by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
(LTTE) group.His widow Sonia Gandhi became the leader of the Congress
party in 1998, and led the party to victory in the 2004 elections. His
son Rahul Gandhi is a Member of Parliament and the General Secretary of
All India Congress Committee.
Gandhi was posthumously awarded the Highest National Award of India,
Bharat Ratna, joining a list of 40 luminaries, including Indira Gandhi.
1 Rupee, 2004
coin posted above is a very very very rare coin and from what I have
heard, only 1 packet is known to have been opened, that is only 100
coins are supposed to be in collector's circle. Many people have bought
this coin for 6-8 thousand rupees, or about 8,000 times its face
value. There is no telling what the value of such an item could possibly
be in the times to come.
1 rupee, 2005
1 rupee, 2006
Weight: 4.95 grams
Diameter: 24.8mm.
Obverse: Cross dividing four dots.
this one rupee coin, the obverse shows a "plus" symbol with four dots
on each side instead of the usual lion capital or the map of India. This
symbol is believed to be a Christian cross, introduced on the coins
through the RBI by the tsarina, the ElizabethI of India. A lot of hue
and cry was raised as the symbol was believed to be a Christian cross ,
and Mr. Narendra Modi
has gone to lengths bringing this symbol on the rupee to the notice of
the prople, causing the RBI to withhold the mintage of this design of
the Indian rupee with the "cross". This rupee with the cross was minted
only for the year 2005 and after that this rupee was withdrawn.
is the difference between the Christian Cross seen on 2 Rupee Coins
minted in 2006 and 1 Rupee Coins minted in 2005? The Christian Cross put
into the 2 Rupee Coins issued in 2006 was supposedly a calculated and
mischievous pseudo-secular experiment deriving its sanction from
Suppressio Veri Suggestio Falsi (suppression of truth and suggestion of
falsehood) for which the UPA Government in general and the Congress
Party in particular own global monopolistic patents. Perhaps there was
an element or grain of vagueness about it. Such vagueness or ambiguity
or ambivalence as existed about the Christian Cross on the 2 Rupee Coins
of 2006, was completely removed in respect of the 1 Rupee Coins of
2005. The Christian Cross inscribed on the 1 Rupee Coins of 2005 makes
it loud and clear that it is a routine Christian Cross.
The 1 Rupee Coin minted in 2005 bearing the ‘Christian Crusader’s Cross’ shown above resembles the Gold Coin issued by Louis the Pious
(778 AD-840 AD), also known as Louis I, Louis the Fair, and Louis the
Debonaire. He was Emperor and King of France from 814 to his death in
840. He issued a coin bearing a Christian Crusader’s Cross which has
been copied by the Mint Master who included the same Cross on one side
of the new 1 Rupee coin minted in 2005.
there was a massive public outcry against these Christian Coins, the
UPA Government quietly withdrew these coins from circulation.
Officially,the theme of this 1 rupee coin is unity in diversity.
that being said, I still support the current government since lots of
progress has been there in the last 5 years; it doesnt matter to me if
the above symbol is a christian cross or not.
One rupee coins: Republic India-III
1 Rupee: 89th inter parliamentary union conference

in 1889, the inter parliamentary union is a body which signifies unity
between the parliaments or senates of different countries. In 1993, the
89th inter parliamentary union conference was held at New Delhi in the
Indian parliament. The main objective of the union is to achieve peace
and coordination between the different member countries. Apart from the
89th conference , the 57th conference was also held at Delhi.
One rupee, 2008
We know well of the hue and cry that was raised on the issue of the rupee with a "cross". (see one rupee coins: republic india-IV).
As there was a massive outcry against the apparent forced
evangelization of India through these coins, the 1 rupee coin with the
"cross" was quietly withdrawn and replaced by the coin shown above.
One rupee: Food for the future
Weight: 6gm
Metal: copper-nickel
Subject: food for the future
world's worst recorded food disaster happened in 1943 in British-ruled
India. Known as the Bengal Famine, an estimated four million people died
of hunger that year alone in eastern India (that included today's
Bangladesh). The initial theory put forward to 'explain' that
catastrophe was that there as an acute shortfall in food production in
the area. However, Indian economist Amartya Sen
(recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1998) has established that
while food shortage was a contributor to the problem, a more potent
factor was the result of hysteria related to World War II which made
food supply a low priority for the British rulers. The hysteria was
further exploited by Indian traders who hoarded food in order to sell at higher prices.
During the period from 1967 to 1978, India witnessed a green revolution.
Between 1947 and 1967, efforts at achieving food self-sufficiency were
not entirely successful. Efforts until 1967 largely concentrated on
expanding the farming areas. But starvation deaths were still being
reported in the newspapers. In a perfect case of Malthusian economics,
population was growing at a much faster rate than food production. This
called for drastic action to increase yield. The action came in the form
of the Green Revolution.
a "side effect" of India moving from the status of a food surplus
nation from being a food deficit nation with the green revolution, a
number of different commemorative coins were minted during that era on
themes related to food, work, shelter and all. These two coins shown
here are in that series only.
One rupee,1991: parliamentary conference

Weight: 6gm
Metal: copper-nickel
Subject: commonwealth parilamentary conference
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, previously known as the Empire
Parliamentary Association, is an organsation, of British origin, which
works to support good governance, democracy and human rights. It was
founded as the Empire Parliamentary Association in 1911, with its first
branches being Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South
Africa and the United Kingdom, the latter branch administering the
association as a whole. In 1948 the association changed its name to the
current Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, and allowed all branches
part in administration of the organisation. The branches are grouped
into nine Commonwealth regions - Africa; Asia; Australia; British
Islands and Mediterranean; Canada; Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic;
India; Pacific, and South-East Asia.
of 1989, the organisation acknowledges a Patron - the Head of the
Commonwealth; Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - and a Vice Patron, the
head of state or of the government of the branch holding the upcoming
conference. The association's supreme authority is the General Assembly,
constituted by delegates to the annual Commonwealth Parliamentary
Conference. The business and activities are managed by an Executive
Committee, which reports to the General Assembly. The association's
funds are obtained from membership fees paid by its branches, as well as
from two trust funds and various other sources.
The 37th commonwealth parliamentary conference was held at the Indian parliament in New Delhi and commemorative coins were issued for the same.
One rupee coins: Republic India-II
1 rupee: BR Ambedkar centenary, 1990

We can see BhimRao Ramji Ambedkar , also known as
Babasaheb Ambedkar on the obverse. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar was the
architect of India's constitution.
He was born into an untouchable family and spent his life fighting the
prejudices and the discrimination base on which the Hindu society was
divided into four classes, or the
Chaturvarna: the
Brahmans, the
Kshatriyas, the
Vaishyas and the
Shudras. Facing numerous social and

obstacles, which were seemingly insurmountable, Ambedkar went overseas
and returned a scholar having multiple doctorates with extensive
research in the fields of law, economics and political science from
Columbia university and the London school of economics.
led an extensive fight against the practice and prejudices of
untouchability. He became an active member of the Bombay legislative
assembly in 1926 and in 1927 he started some movements against
untouchability.He began with public movements and marches to open up and
share public drinking water resources, also he began a struggle for
the right to enter Hindu temples. He led a satyagraha in Mahad to fight
for the right of the untouchable community to draw water from the main
water tank of the town.
He is also credited with having sparked the Dalit Buddhist movement. Ambedkar has been honoured with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award.
One rupee, 1976
Weight: 10gm
Metal: Nickel
Obverse: Ashoka lion pedestal
Reverse: denomination and date
one rupee: cellular jail port blair-1997
This coin was released on the occasion of India's 50th anniversary of independence in 1997 by the then president Mr.K.R.Narayanan,
and he also gave a a moving speech at the Jail to honour the former
inmates of the cellular jail in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
The jail was established during India's struggle for independence with
the view to send the freedom fighters to some deserted islands, so that
their links to their families and communities would be severed and they
would be forgotten into oblivion. The sentencing to the cellular jail
was known as "saza-e-kalapani"
and was the most dreaded punishment at that time if you were caught by
the British government, probably even more dreaded than capital
punishment. When the sepoy mutiny and the first all India war of
independence was supressed, most of the freedom fighters were killed by
hanging, bound to cannons and blown to bits or killed by guns and
swords. Those who survived were sent to the Andaman Islands , where the
only human inhabitants were the local tribes or Adivasis, like the Australian Aborigines. The island was a pure jungle.
the history of the cellular jail is as fascinating as it is horrendous,
as romantic as it is tragic. Unfortunately when the Japanese captured
the Andaman Islands during the second world war, they burned down
whatever was there, and all of the records that the British had kept
were obliterated. This was a great loss to India's history as even
though the British were exploiters, but they were also great record
keepers. Even though extensive research has been done by the subsequent
governments of India post independence, precious little has been found
to establish the chronicles of the cellular jail.
earliest revolutionaries to be sent to the Andaman islands had to face
the worst treatment. In perennial rainy weather and marshy land, with
snakes, scorpions etc around them and bound by heavy shackles, chains
and fetters, they had to cut trees to clear paths in the jungle. They
got flogged every time they slowed down and were not even given a full
meal in a day. After the revolt of 1857, prisoners from national
revolutionary movements, Alipore conspiracy case, Gadar party
revolutionaries, Assembly bomb case, second Lahore conspiracy case, and
from the Chittagong revolt of 1930 were also kept. The most famous
inmate of the Jail was Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (1883-1966)
prisoners in the jail got highly inhuman treatment. According
to Savarkar Freedom Fighters were made to do hard labour. They had to
peel coconuts and take out oil from them. They were forced to
go around like bullocks to take out oil from mustard seeds.
Outside they were forced to clear the jungles and trees on
hillside levelling marshy land. They were flogged on refusal.
On top of this they did not even get a full meal every
day.The food that was given was not fit for human
consumption. There were worms when you opened the bread and wild grass
was boiled and served in lieu of vegetables. Rain drinking
water was full of insects and worms. The 13' X 6' cells were
dark and damp and dingy thickly coated with moss. There were
no toilets. There were no lights, no reading material.
Prisoners were not allowed to meet with each other. The
guards carried out physical torture and flogging. Their
behaviour was insulting. Things had become unbearable.
as a result, the only alternative before the freedom
fighters was to resort to a hunger strike against these atrocities.
On 12 May 1933 they started a fast undo death. Mahavir Singh,
Mohan Kishore Namo Das and Mohit Moitra died during this
hunger strike. Their bodies were quietly ferreted away and
thrown out to sea. Punjab's jail inspector Barker was called
to break the hunger strike. He issued orders to stop the
issuing of drinking water. The freedom fighters were resolute.
There was a huge outcry throughout India because of this hunger
strike. After 46 days the British Raj had to bow and the
demands of the freedom fighters had to be accepted. The
hunger strike ended on 26 June 1933.
the death of three colleagues the facilities won from jail
authorities proved beneficial for the future. There was light
in the cells. The prisoners started getting newspapers, books
and periodicals. They were allowed to meet. The facility to read
individually or on a collective basis was allowed. The
opportunity to play sports and organise cultural events was
given. The jail work was reduced to minimal. Above all there
was respect for the freedom fighters from the prison
officials and a marked improvement in their behaviour. A new
environment was created as the freedom fighters met to discuss and read.
A thirst for books and knowledge began. There were students,
doctors, lawyers, peasants, and workers all together. They
discussed politics, economics, history and philosophy.
were classes in biology and physiology given by the doctors
amongst them. Others gave classes in historical and
dialectical materialism. Knowledge, experience and books were hungrily
shared. A jail library was started. A veritable university of
freedom fighters had begun where revolutionaries were
learning about Marxist and socialist ideas and how to
disseminate these amongst the people whose freedom they were
fighting for. A Communist consolidation was formed of 39
prisoners on 26 April 1935. This number later swelled to 200.
The freedom fighters started feeling that the atmosphere for a
world war was gathering and that before the war starts we should get
back to our country to be with our people and take active
part in the upheaval that was imminent. A petition was sent
to the Viceroy on 9 July 1937 by the freedom fighters that
all political prisoners should be repatriated to the mainland
and released An ultimatum was given that if these demands
were not met a hunger strike would begin.
A second hunger
strike began for the repatriation of freedom fighters on 25th July
1937.A country wide movement on the mainland in support of
the demands of the Andaman freedom fighters began as other
political prisoners in other jails on the mainland also started hunger
strikes in support. There was a mass demonstration of working
people, intellectuals and students. This upsurge clearly
showed that their people on the mainland did not forget them.
After four weeks telegrams from Bengal's chief minister,
leaders of the nation Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose,
Sharad Chandra Bose, Rabindra Nath Tagore etc poured in
imploring the freedom fighters to end their hunger strike.On 28 August
1937, Gandhiji, poet Rabindra Nath Tagore and the Congress
Working Committee sent a telegram…"the whole nation appeals
to you to end the hunger strike… and assures you to take up
your demands and to see them fulfilled…" After a lot of deliberation
and discussion this historic 36-day hunger strike of 200
revolutionary freedom fighters ended. The process of
repatriation started in September 1937.
Subhash Chandra Bose's Azad Hind Fauz first of all gave independence
to Port Blair, Andaman. Netaji visited the Andaman Island and
hoisted the tricolour flag on 30 December 1943. He had
declared that the very first bastion to be relieved of the
British yolk was Andamans, the Indian Bastille revolutionary
freedom fighters were kept, very much like the Bastille in
Paris during the French Revolution. The British reoccupied
the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and abolished the Penal Settlement in
Japanese destroyed two of the wings of the cellular jail during their
brief occupation of the Andamans. Post independence the demolition of
the jail was started(dont know or understand the logic behind it) and
two more wings were destroyed. The former inmates of the jail intervened
and the remaining three wings were spared, and the jail is now a
national memorial in 1969, and the Gobind Vallabh Pant hospital was also
In 2004, parts of the jail were damamged by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
One rupee, 15 years of I.C.D.S.: 1975-1990
Weight: 6 gm
Metal: Copper-nickel
Diameter: 26mm
Subject: 15th anniversary of I.C.D.S.
Obverse: lion pedestal, denomination below
Reverse: Seated figure holding child, radiance surrounds.
I.C.D.S. stands for integrated child development services.
The children are the most important aspect for Human Resource
development as it is in the first 5-6 years of our lives that the
foundations for cognitive, social, emotional and physical/motor
development and also for life long learning.
government acknowledged this fact and launched the integrated child
development services(ICDS) in 1975 with a view for holistic development
of the child.
The objectives of ICDS:
1)Lay the foundation for proper psychological development of the child
2)Improve nutritional & health status of children 0-6 years
3)Reduce incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school drop-outs
the capability of the mother and family to look after the
health, nutritional and development needs of the child
effective coordination of policy and implementation among
various departments to promote child development
services of ICDS include supplementary nutrition, non-formal pre school
education, immunization, health check-up, referral services and
nutrition and health education.
one rupee coins: Republic India-I
1 rupee Saint Dnyaneshwar
Sant Dnyaneshwar was a Marathi poet, philosopher, saint and a yogi of Nath tradition. His works Bhavarth Deepika Teeka and Amrutanubhav are considered to be milestones in Marathi literature. Bhavarth deepika teeka
is an analysis of the bhagwad Gita and is also called Dnyaneshwari.
Dnyaneshwar entered into "sanjeevan samadhi", a yogic path to salvation
at 21 in Alandi, Maharashtra.Dnyaneshwar was the second of four
children, the first being Nivruttinath, and the other two being Sopandeo
and Muktabai of Vitthal Govind Kulkarni and Rukmini. Vitthal had
studied the Vedas and was more intereted in "the search of god", but
Rukmini's father Shridharpant was impressed of Vitthal and convinced him
to marry his daughter.
inclination was still towards sainthood and he somehow convinced his
reluctant wife to let him leave the Grihastha ashram (tied to his home
and family) and enter Sanyas ashram(to live a life of celibacy and
sainthood) . He went to Ramanand Swami and found acceptance after lying
about his past and hiding his married life.
Swami once came to Alandi and blessed Rukmimi "ashta putra
saubhagyavati bhava" (you may have 8 sons). Rukmini broke down and told
her story. Ramanda Swami came to the conclusion that Vitthal was her
husband and he had deserted his wife and home. So he told Vitthal to
leave the sanyas and follow his duties in his home. This caused
Vitthal's expulsion from the Brahmin community as he had reverted back
to "Grihastha ahsram" after "Sanyas ashram" , which was the last ashram.
the pious couple had four children. Vitthal tried to get acceptance
into the Brahmin community of Paithan but failed, and the couple were
told to end their lives. The family went on a pilgrimage and Vitthal and
Rukmini jumped into the waters of Prayag at the confluence of Ganga
and Yamuna, hoping that their children would get acceptance into the
orphaned children lived on alms for a while, and afterwards tried to
get acceptance into the community, and were accepted on the condition of
celibacy. Nivruttinath took Dnyaneshwar and the other two siblings
under his tutelage, and later on not only Dnyaneshwar , but the other
three also became highly revered saints in their capacity.
One rupee: Mahatma Gandhi centenary 1969
Any description of India's history in the British era can never be complete without the mention of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,
better known as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869 in
Porbandar in Gujrat, and died in 1948 when he was shot by Nathuram
Godse. Mahatma Gandhi was one who preached non-violence in an era of
violence, world wars and all and successully led the country to
independence through non-violent means like protests etc.
Gandhis belong to the Bania caste and seem to have been originally
grocers. But for three generations, from Mahatama Gandhi's grandfather,
they have been Prime Ministers in several Kathiawad States. Uttamchand
Gandhi, alias Ota Gandhi, was his grandfather.
Gandhi married a second time, having lost his first wife. He had four
sons by his first wife and two by his second wife.. The fifth of these
six brothers was Karamchand Gandhi, alias Kaba Gandhi, and the sixth
was Tulsidas Gandhi. Both these brothers were Prime Ministers in
Porbandar, one after the other. Kaba Gandhi
was Mahatma Gandhi's father. He was a member of the Rajasthanik Court.
It is now extinct, but in those days it was a very influential body
for settling disputes between the chiefs and their fellow clansmen.
Gandhi married four times in succession, having lost his wife each
time by death. He had two daughters by his first and second marriages.
His last wife, Putlibai, bore him a daughter and three sons, Mahatma Gandhi being the youngest.
Gandhi remained in South Africa
for twenty years, suffering imprisonment many times. In 1896, after
being attacked and humiliated by white South Africans, Gandhi began to
teach a policy of passive resistance to, and non-cooperation with, the
South African authorities. Part of the inspiration for this policy came
from the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, whose influence on Gandhi was
profound. Gandhi also acknowledged his debt to the teachings of Christ
and to the 19th-century American writer Henry David Thoreau, especially
to Thoreau's famous essay "Civil Disobedience." Gandhi considered the
terms passive resistance and civil disobedience inadequate for his
purposes, however, and coined another term, Satyagraha (from Sanskrit,
"truth and firmness"). During the Boer War, Gandhi organized an
ambulance corps for the British army and commanded a Red Cross unit.
After the war he returned to his campaign for Indian rights. In 1910, he
founded Tolstoy Farm, near Durban, a cooperative colony for Indians.
In 1914 the government of the Union of South Africa made important
concessions to Gandhi's demands, including recognition of Indian
marriages and abolition of the poll tax for them. His work in South
Africa complete, he returned to India.
Gandhi became a leader in a complex struggle, the Indian campaign for
home rule. Following World War I, in which he played an active part in
recruiting campaigns, Gandhi, again advocating Satyagraha,
launched his movement of non-violent resistance to Great Britain.
When, in 1919, Parliament passed the Rowlatt Acts, giving the Indian
colonial authorities emergency powers to deal with so-called
revolutionary activities, Satyagraha spread throughout India, gaining
millions of followers. A demonstration against the Rowlatt Acts resulted
in a massacre of Indians at Amritsar by British soldiers; in 1920,
when the British government failed to make amends, Gandhi proclaimed an
organized campaign of non-cooperation. Indians in public office
resigned, government agencies such as courts of law were boycotted, and
Indian children were withdrawn from government schools. Throughout
India, streets were blocked by squatting Indians who refused to rise
even when beaten by police. Gandhi was arrested, but the British were
soon forced to release him. Gandhi advocate economic independence by
boycotting English goods.
became the international symbol of a free India. He lived a spiritual
and ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and meditation. His union with his
wife (Kasturba Gandhi)
became, as he himself stated, that of a brother and sister. Refusing
earthly possessions, he wore the loincloth and shawl of the lowliest
Indian and subsisted on vegetables, fruit juices, and goat's milk.
Indians revered him as a saint and began to call him Mahatma
(great-souled), a title reserved for the greatest sages. Gandhi's
advocacy of nonviolence, known as ahimsa (non-violence),
was the expression of a way of life implicit in the Hindu religion. By
the Indian practice of nonviolence, Gandhi held, Great Britain too
would eventually consider violence useless and would leave India.
When World War II broke
out, the Congress party and Gandhi demanded a declaration of war aims
and their application to India. As a reaction to the unsatisfactory
response from the British, the party decided not to support Britain in
the war unless the country were granted complete and immediate
independence. The British refused, offering compromises that were
rejected. When Japan entered the war, Gandhi still refused to agree to
Indian participation. He was interned in 1942 but was released two years
later because of failing health.
By 1944 the Indian struggle for independence was in its final stages,
the British government having agreed to independence on condition that
the two contending nationalist groups, the Muslim League and the
Congress party, should resolve their differences. Gandhi stood
steadfastly against the partition of India but ultimately had to agree,
in the hope that internal peace would be achieved after the Muslim
demand for separation had been satisfied. India and Pakistan became
separate states when the British granted India its independence in 1947
(see: Tryst with Destiny -- the story of India's independence). During
the riots
that followed the partition of India, Gandhi pleaded with Hindus and
Muslims to live together peacefully. Riots engulfed Calcutta, one of the
largest cities in India, and the Mahatma fasted until disturbances
ceased. On January 13, 1948, he undertook another successful fast in New
Delhi to bring about peace, but on January 30, 12 days after the
termination of that fast, as he was on his way to his evening prayer
meeting, he was assassinated by a fanatic Hindu, Nathuram Godse.
death was regarded as an international catastrophe. His place in
humanity was measured not in terms of the 20th century, but in terms of
history. A period of mourning was set aside in the United Nations General Assembly,
and condolences to India were expressed by all countries. Religious
violence soon waned in India and Pakistan, and the teachings of Gandhi
came to inspire nonviolent movements elsewhere, notably in the U.S.A.
under the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and in South Africa under Nelson Mandela.
though the greatness of Mahatma Gandhi as a leader and his impact on
India's and even world's history is indisputable and unquestionable, yet
there was a faction of revolutionaries in India who believed that if
Gandhi had not been in the picture, there would have been a popular
uprising in India and the British would have have thrown out of India
long before 1947, when India eventually got its independence.
coin was just one in a series of commemorative coins that were issued
in 1969 which happens to be the centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth.
Coins of denomination 10 paisa, 20 paisa and 50 paisa were also minted,
not to mention the First 10 rupee coin of republic india, which was composed of 80% silver.
See also:
Gandhi 20 paise
Gandhi 50 paise
Gandhi 10 rupee coin
1 rupee, International year of family

1989, the United Nations declared that 1994 would be the international
year of the family. The Indian government launched a coin made in
stainless steel marking the year of the family. The objective of the UN
was to raise awareness regarding family issues in the local, national
and international organizations. Many universities in the field of human
development also held presentations, symposiums and all in order to
spread awareness regarding the different issues of a family. The
observance of the year served to highlight the role of the family as the
basic social unit in every society and the need to pay adequate
attention to the family dimension in development efforts. The
significance of the International Year of the Family lies in its
reinforcement of the interrelationship between family well-being and
sustainable development.
tenth anniversary of the international year of the family was observed
in 2004. India has for long had a policy of "hum do, hamare do" for
family planning and to keep a control on the population increase. The
phrase means that a family of two (husband and wife) is urged to not
have more than two children. And this created an almost stereotyped
image of an Indian family for the Indian government, that is the man,
his wife, one son and one daughter; and this is most probably the reason
we see that sort of a picture of a family on this coin.