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Mint Marks on Indian Coins

Mint Marks on Indian Coins
(a) SEOUL MINT(SOUTH KOREA)-The Seoul mint has a “Five Pointed Star"under the date of the coin but exactly below the first or Last Digits of dates 1985 and 1997.

(b) ROYAL MINT LONDON -The Birmingham Mint has a small dot under the date of the coin but exactly below the First Digit of Date 1985.

(c) HEATON PRESS MINT(U.K)-This Mint has Ornamental/ Decorated Letter "H"under the last digit of the date 1985.

(d) ROYAL CANADIAN MINT, OTTAWA-This Ottawa Mint has a "C" mint mark under the date of the coin.

(e) MEXICO MINT(OESCHGER MASDACH & Co.)-The Mexico City Mint has an mint mark of "M beneath O under " under the date of the coin.

(f) MOSCOW MINT – This mint has a mint mark of MMD in oval below the date of the 2 rupee & 5 rupee(2000 A.D)

(g) KREMNCA MINT (SLOVAKIA REPUBLIC): Has mint mark of MK in circle below the date of the coin on rupee 1998-2000.

(h) PRETORIA MINT(SOUTH AFRICA MINT Co. pvt ltd) : has "M" under date in 1998 two rupee coin.


Indian Mint Marks on coins

There are four mints in India each with a long & distinguished history that produce coins which serve our everyday needs, The two oldest are Alipore (Calcutta) and Bombay(Mumbai) mints, both were Established in 1829 by the British Government, though the former was originally located in Calcutta and moved to its present site in 1952. The Hyderabad mint was established in 1903 by the Government of the erstwhile Nizam of Hyderabad and was taken over by the Government of India in 1950 & started minting since 1953. Noida mint was set up in 1986 and started minting ferritic stainless steel coins from 1988.
let us examine each mint mark with examples(coin scans)
1. MUMBAI MINT : The Bombay Mint has a small dot or diamond mint mark under Date of the Coin.

2. CALCUTTA MINT : The Calcutta Mint has No Mint Mark beneath the date of coin.

3. HYDERABAD MINT : The Hyderabad Mint has five pointed STAR Under the date of coin.

4. NOIDA MINT : The Noida Mint has a small or thick dot under the date of the Coin. Production Started in 1988.


  1. thank you imp information
    its very unknown information for any person

  2. Thanks very much the above informnation...pankaj



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